
Downloadable/Printable Meditation Cards
Thirteen cards of ‘thought’ for one to take into meditation. Includes: Who am I?–Why am I Here?, The Voter’s Oath–The Declaration of a Freeman, We Will Always Be Together, The Will of All Creation, The Ten Commandments of Creative Balance, A Miracle for You, The Eternal Prayer, The Unalienable Rights Test, We Can Only Create Together, The Twelve Points of Romance, The Universal Axiom of Life, The Politician, Happiness, Our Eternal Lineage, Declaration of Freedom, and We Can Only Love Each Other.
Meditation Cards

The Full Set of 16 Cards

Price: $7.50 (set) – $1.00 (each – below)
Who am I?/Why am I Here?

The Voter’s Oath/The Declaration of a Freeman


We Will Always Be Together


The Will of All Creation


The Ten Commandments of Creative Balance


A Miracle for You


The Eternal Prayer


The Unalienable Rights Test


We Can Only Create Together


The Twelve Points of Romance


The Universal Axiom of Life


The Politician



Our Eternal Lineage

Declaration of Freedom

We Can Only Love Each Other

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