
Note to the Reader: The following selections were created out of a series of articles I wrote in the later part of 2008 and the beginning of 2009. The exception is the Interview and the 1st article which were completed in late 2005 and became the inspiration to write further articles. As the articles grew in number, I thought of presenting them individually as e-articles. Each article comprises a different subject matter although the theme of Man and Woman Balance remains the same.
As some of the articles can be said to touch on subjects that today would be considered “politically incorrect,” I will state that they are strictly for educational purposes and consist only of my personal opinion. It is my belief that if they are read with an open mind (and heart), they will both enlighten and enlarge the theme of Man and Woman Balance.
C.A.A.—June 23, 2009
Interview with Author
Price: $5.00
The Shift That Is Man and Woman Balance

Price: $5.00

The Romantic and Teleological Nature of the Universe

Price: $5.00

Sexual Identity—Understanding Life and Family
Price: $5.00
Love: The Law of Polar Opposites

Price: $5.00

Aristotle’s Laws of Logic Revisited
Price: $5.00
Philosophy and the Common Law
Price: $5.00
Consciousness and a 1st Cause
Price: $5.00
Holding Center When “I Don’t Know What to Do!”
Price: $5.00
A Case Against Violence
Price: $5.00
Illumination: Joy in the Soul
Price: $5.00
The Spiritual Components in the Lives of Men and Women
Price: $5.00
The (Two) Telepathic Forces of the Universe
Price: $5.00
Man, Woman, and Child
Price: $5.00
The Origination of Unalienable Rights
Price: $5.00
Purity: The Reconfiguration of Our Souls
Price: $5.00
Our Love is Eternal Love
Price: $5.00
The Miracle of Christmas
Price: $5.00
Spiritual Healing Through Eternal Life
Price: $5.00
Ask and it shall be Given…
Price: $5.00
‘My’ Peace ‘I’ Give Unto You
Price: $5.00
The Coming of the Procreant Holy Spirit
Price: $5.00
Spiritual Procreation: Faith is the Substance…
Price: $5.00
Being in Life: The Elimination of Original Sin
Price: $5.00
Bringing the Eternal Down to Earth
Price: $5.00
Proposition 8: The Marriage Amendment
Price: $5.00
Freedom From Depression
Price: $5.00
Understanding the Bible, the Koran, and the Bhagavad-Gita
Price: $5.00
Commentary on Dante’s The Divine Comedy, Paradiso, Canto XXXIII
Price: $5.00
The Monetary/Socialist Complex
Price: $5.00
The Cosmogony of Eternal Design
Price: $5.00
Homosexuality is not a Sexuality
Price: $5.00
…and the Truth Shall Make You Free
Price: $5.00
The Discovery That Brings You to What You Want!
Price: $5.00
Forgiving Ourselves for Abortion
Price: $5.00
Men and Women of the Universe, Unite!
Price: $5.00
‘I’ Will Lift Up Mine Eyes
Price: $5.00
2008 – 2009 Articles Collection
Price: $24.00

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