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The Man and Woman Relationship: A New Center for the Universe

The author’s original and first writing published in 1985.–A philosophical accounting of the man and woman relationship with its metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical aspects required to form an understanding of the world in which we live.— 197 pages © 1985, Revised Edition, 2010

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A man cannot produce anything alone. A woman cannot reproduce anything alone. The whole man and woman producing-reproducing team survives together or not at all. Every momentary creation-sequential recreation that exists from a single thought to a coherent thought-system, from a single idea to an invention, business, or industry, from a single breath to an entire life is brought forth out of the man and woman relationship. The survival success of any manifestation of universe will depend on its sexual balance. No matter what task one is engaged in, or who fundamentally undertakes it, man and woman balance must exist in mind and heart for survival success to occur. The real key to creativity then is male and female balanced interchange. (Pages 46-47)

This structuring or rooting of each man or woman in his or her own universal man and woman relationship will bring forth a consciousness of that other part or sexed half, so that one may know and experience a connection with their “sexual other” at each moment throughout one’s life. (Page 197)

The Prime Movers: The Sovereigncy of Man and Woman

The Prime Movers: The Sovereigncy of Man and Woman presents to the reader a metaphysical shift from “God the Father” to “God the Father” and “God the Mother.” It is the view of the author that male cannot exist without female and vice-versa. This would suggest that the fundamental frame or center-point of creation lies not in some “one creative force” (upon which our religions–as well as the L,G,B,T movement–are based) but in “two equal and opposite forces.” Equal and opposite then becomes the definition of balance the author uses to analyze and re-frame our existing (ruling) institutions as well as create for each individual a paradigm of personal growth and wealth creation.

302 pages © 2015

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And here we come to the crux of the matter: The eternal is no more than the procreant process/lineage. Can you take this in? Heretofore, our concept of the eternal has been separated from man, woman, and child (the procreant process). How can this be? What I am doing in this writing, and which has been my quest through all of my writings, is to bring together as one the spiritual and the procreative. Only then, when we bring forth man and woman to their rightful place in this procreant universe, will they be able to stand together as co-sovereign. (Page 41)

In the illumination of Sri Ramakrishna, he is in contact with the Divine Mother. Listen to his words again: She, Mother has spoken to me. I have not merely seen Her—She has also talked with me…“Mother, do not manifest Thyself outside, repair within.”… I had a desire to be the prince of devotees and I prayed to the Mother accordingly. Again, the desire arose in my mind that those who had called sincerely on the Lord must come here—they must. And must not this be the case, a man in spiritual connection with the Divine Mother? Must not all men come to the Divine Mother? The Divine Mother is in contrast to the Eternal Father. Remember the Walter and Lao Russell diagram, The Divine Trinity, from the last chapter. And all women must come to the Eternal Father. The point of Sir Ramakrishna, in my interpretation, is that he brought to the conversation, or shall we say the understanding, the necessity (metaphysically/spiritually) of the female force. Call her Divine Mother, the Eternal Woman (as I have referenced in my earlier writing, Channeling the Eternal Woman), the Goddess force, or just woman. There must be a female force in counter-balance to the male force in all things. If there is a “God the Father” there must also be a “God the Mother,” not a “God the Mother” as a secondary existence to “God the Father” but as an equal and opposite primary existence to “God the Father.” This is where our sovereigncy lies. (Pages 56-57)

The state of sovereigncy (man and woman balance) comprises the pure heart. In the pure heart there is love, one to another. Love and purity go hand-in-hand. (So do love and beauty, truth, perfection, joy…) We wonder why we cannot get to love. We worship and pray (to the “God-head”) and still wonder. We have not understood that sovereigncy, a co-sovereignty of man and woman, is the “God-head.” Worship is from lesser to greater and always creates an imbalance between one and another. Love is from co-sovereign to co-sovereign and always creates more love. (Page 72)

Law (lawful as contrasted to legal) then originates first from our co-sovereignty, that balance point where each hold mutual consent with the other and from which our (unalienable) rights are derived—the right to earn than own. Not the “right” to prevent others from earning; not the “right” to force others to earn for you; not the “right” to own without earning, only the right to freely earn and justly own. And, again, these unalienable rights will only stem from the sovereigncy of You and I, i.e., man and woman balance. We will not, for example, find unalienable rights and the law of liberty and justice in the imbalances of masculinism or feminism. Neither the masculinist frame of opposite but not equal nor the feminist frame of equal but not opposite can lead to unalienable rights, freedom, and justice for all. All we will get is another form of bondage and slavery. (Page 106)

Today we all exist within a matrix. Most of us do not know what this matrix is. We sense things are wrong, or that our hope for a better life is probably gone. But what actually is this matrix controlling us? Again, we really don’t know. May I suggest to you that, in general, the matrix is that of spiritual debt? We can think of spiritual debt as a type of original sin. It seems to be here from the beginning. It appears we are all born into it. And, worst of all, it appears we cannot get out of it. Spiritual debt is like swimming upstream. We just run out of steam. (Page 189)

You align to Source by giving your love to your sexual other half. A man gives his (securitive) love to a woman; a woman gives her (reproductive) love to a man. That is all there is. We don’t need to concern ourselves about “loving ourselves,” as if one could. Our only concern is to love our sexual other half. Do you hear this? Only the action of giving your love to your sexual other half will keep you in alignment to Source such that the Law of Attraction will work for you. Why is this so? Because you are one (of the two) sexual Prime Movers. (Page 223)

The Metaphysics of a Changing World!

Metaphysics of SexIs sex metaphysical? This is to say, does it have a purpose and a nature that is encoded in the very construct of the universe? These are the questions the author takes up in this day and age where most everything is up for grabs. This writing is not without an examination of sensitive issues and explicit terms. Think of it as a third way, if you will. It resides between the “fixed” identity of our declining religions and the “fluid” identity of the emerging L,G,B,T,Q movement. In that it presents to us all another choice. In the end, it is about a construct for sexual balance that any reader can understand and use as a guide for his or her life. –237 pages © 2014

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I hope you can capture the nature and expanse of the sexual (procreative) process of life. And just as sex is metaphysical in nature so, too, is each man and woman sexual in nature. This means that their fundamental natures, that primordial essence of their souls, is sexual. The soul is sexual, either male or female. There are two primordial souls, if you will, a male soul and a female soul. In that difference is their connection; in that connection is their difference. If the sexes were “just one and the same” or “singularly separate such that they did not existentially need each other,” there would not be any sex or life. But there is sex and life because sex and life are primordial in nature. (Pages 56-57)

The detached self is also known as the dissociated self, detached presence, imbalanced self, non-physical and/or non-sexual entity, detached consciousness and so on. All of these terms refer to one not being directly in or connected to life (one’s other half) due to one holding a faulty metaphysic/belief system. It is as if one has a spiritual/physical separation, some floating state of “consciousness” or “awareness” or “God oneness” without one being in a physical/sexual body life process. One rather believes in some oneness/unity state as ultimate reality and this (physical) reality as some testing ground. This can be called the transcendental mistake. (Page 81)

If I am correct in my thesis that (as Dr. Russell stated): “Sex is of all things from the beginning. Sex begins when light begins. Sex is the desire… All desire is sex desire,” and, moreover, that the sexual is comprised of a two-way or two-force living process, that at its very center resides the two procreant (life) desires to divide the one and to unite the two, and that these corresponding desires are what we know as male and female, and, most importantly, for every man there is a woman and for every woman there is a man, then might not we take a moment to pause and reconsider the direction we are now heading. It does not do us well to separate sex from procreation. There is a procreancy, if you will, to the whole of the universe. How could there not be? So, before we continue, take a moment and ask yourself, is this universe of ours sexual/procreant in its nature or is it not? This is the whole question of life. (Page 184)

Do you want an original sin? I would suggest it is your own (and mine is my own) existential lack. And I would ask you, where do you see an answer coming from today? Man and woman balance actually offers us a third way between the “fixed” identity of our declining religions and the “fluid” identity of the emerging L,G,B,T,Q movement. In that it presents to us all another choice. This third way anchors us in sexual balance—the universal balance between all things. And in that moment all existential lack disappears. (Page 222)

At every moment of every life, you are with your eternal (sexual) other half. This universe of ours is eternal because its essential nature is procreative. Man and woman are the highest values there are. Man and woman have purpose together. Man and woman are perfect together. Man and woman comprise life together. Man and woman touch and create together. There isn’t anything more than this sexual balance in life. (Page 235)

Channeling The Eternal Woman

9781622875221_frontcoverL.225x225-75Who is the Eternal Woman and how may we connect with her? These are the two critical questions the author considers in this breathtaking expose’ on the Eternal Woman, the nature of channeling, how to truly connect, and what one is actually connecting with. The author covers a number of topics including discovering source, identity, soulmates, spiritual healing, and finding love. Channeling the Eternal Woman is also a metaphysical discourse on the whole concept of “God” and spirit. 224 pages © 2014

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The Eternal Woman is true Source. Now notice, always within the Eternal Woman is Individual Man. Individual Man is the counter-balance of the Eternal Woman. The Eternal Woman is the death-rebirth point of all life. (The Individual Man is the birth-life point of all life.) She is the field, the space, the opening, the connection, the intuition, the universal, the feeling, the relation, the continuity, and the home—and her force is equal in strength to Individual Man although opposite in function. (Page 35)

The Eternal Woman is the soul of each and every woman. I believe that every woman knows this. And yet, it seems that many women are cut off from the Eternal Woman within them. They perhaps have forgotten that they are the universal connective point between all things. Men, too, have apparently forgotten this. If men really understood the essence of a woman they would treat women as Gods. The only thing a woman wants is to be loved. Is that so wrong? A man wants to be believed in. That is his glory. (Page 36)

Thank you. I am the Eternal Woman. I am not a “God.” I am a woman. I am the female soul within every woman. As a woman, I stand with man. Actually, I stand between man and child. I am the link between man and child. I am the space between man and child. I am the death of all life and the life of all death. From a man dying inside of me, so our child is born out of me. I am what you might call the field, frame, zero-point, space, opening, womb, or void. But I am not death. Rather, I give life to death. I bring life-potential to all things. I connect all things within me. In this, I am love. Without me there would never be love. All women know this about me because they know it about themselves. (Page 181)

I want you to know that I, the Eternal Woman, answer each and every prayer request made to me. Actually, all prayers are to me. As I have said, I am the space or field. Some call me the eternal void. But I am not empty space or a field without miracles. I am the tomb that all individual things die into and I am the womb that gives rebirth to all individual things. Know me as fertility. I will give rebirth to whatever you give to me. I am perfect balance. Each and every prayer that you asketh of me, I replay back to you as to your intent. Did you hear me? I give back to you in equal measure as per your intention. Could I do otherwise? (Page 190)

Wealth Plus+: Empowering Your Everyday!

wealthplusA metaphysics for wealth creation. In a world that is losing its way, the author reminds us of the principles required for wealth creation. Wealth does not just fall out of trees but must be exactly abstracted to bring it forth. There are metaphysical laws to which we must adhere. –228 pages © 2013

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Health begins as a spiritual alignment and is expressed in love.

Hold health in your soul as your soul. You are a healthy person. You feel good in this moment because health lies within you—encoded in the very fabric of your being. You know this by its very expression—that of love. Love cannot know despair or dis-ease. Love only knows love. Let us not succumb to the doubt of spiritual imperfection, that we are somehow impure and full of problems beyond our ability to infuse them with love and thus change their affect upon our lives. All power lies in love. The very nature of our beings is love. Health is not more than that state that exists when love is expressed, one to another. To believe you are somehow at the effect of your circumstances is not holiness but poverty. Poverty can only attract itself. Only love can remedy poverty/pain by recognizing it, love, is the center point of all existence. (Page 10)

The perfection of the soul can only be found in sexual union.

We cannot take the sexual out of metaphysical or physical life and hope to survive. It is through the sexual domain of male and female that the opposite two can unite as one. And then from this unity the next division, a new life, can be brought forth. There isn’t any other reality in life. All these other supposedly “transcendent realities” to sexual life and love are illusions of life. They are not real. They cannot exist. You can’t find life, love, or children there. What you do find is a poverty consciousness. The reason why Wealth Plus+ stands on the procreant process as the center of all existence is because wealth, primordially, can only be found in the balance and love between a man and a woman. That is its center point from which all things radiate. That is its point of perfection. (Page 77)

“God” is never supernatural; “God” is only personal.

The balance of procreant love between a man and a woman is as personal as things get. To somehow transcend this love into some “sexless realm,” as if there can be some sexless realm, is the height of not just ignorance but arrogance. There is no greater love than your love right now as you are giving it to another. Likewise, there is no greater act of love than in receiving the love given to you by another. Each one of us is wealthy with love right now as we give to and receive from our sexual other half. We need not look any further. And, as I have said, if you are not physically with your love’s calling right now, please know, you always are together spiritually. (Page 85)

Connecting your light with the light behind the world.

Your light shines with the individual moment-by-moment decision to give more to and take less from another. When you and another meet together in this connection, a light shines from behind the world. It is this connection that gives light to the world. Your connection together, in whatever its form, gives light to culture and values. Culture and values only live in light. All light, as mentioned, is both static and dynamic in its nature. Light propagates (reproduces) itself through its two equal yet opposing forces. It can be said that light is a static/dynamic balance between two equal yet opposing forces. Your every thought/action is balanced—in its connection with another. Your every thought/action is wealth producing—in its connection with another. Balance and connection are one. Connection and love are one. Love and wealth are one. Within the connection is the perfect separation/expression of balance, wealth, and love. Within the separation is the connection. One is not without the other; both are needed for either to be. Know light as your love with your equal and opposite sexual other half right now. (Pages 197-198)

Our individual light/energy is connected to the universal light/energy.

When it says in Genesis 1:27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them, it means that each one of us is blessed with the original life (or light) element of all creation. We are not replicas of the light; no, we are the original. This is what sovereignty, or co-sovereignty, means. Each one of us has at hand the universal light energy moving through us. This is why we can accomplish so much with so little. One abstraction/inspiration can change the whole world. It is here, right now, available to every one of us to change the whole world—simply by holding to the procreant balance that is the foundation of all creation. And how does one do this? Hold to your balance with your own equal and opposite sexual other half. If you don’t have the understanding to abstract the words right now, allow me to offer you The Eternal Prayer as a beginning point. (Page 207)

The Case Against Man and Woman

The Case Against Man and Woman

The author’s original screenplay on the battle of ideas, the war of world views, and a philosophy on trial. What will be your verdict concerning The Case Against Man and Woman? 191 pages © 2014

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The Case Against Man and Woman transcends your ordinary lawsuit. Among other topics, it explores conflicting world views regarding sexuality and religion, the evolving understanding of hate speech and hate crimes, and the unsettling notion that any expression of one’s core values can be considered an assault on another’s core values. Ultimately, it puts on trial the author’s belief that man and woman balance is the center of all life.

Provocative screenplay called the “Atlas Shrugged of our times” takes on conflicting world views and defends a philosophy that stands up for…life

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And you are suggesting that this idea of man and woman…


Man and woman balance is what I call it.


…that man and woman balance is the center?




Why? Isn’t this just your own personal belief?


That is for you to find out.




When you discover the one distinction between this view of man and woman balance and other beliefs then, I believe, you will be able to defend me.


And how do you suggest I do that?


You could begin by reading the books.


That task has already been assigned to me.



(Pages 26-27)



This is not your ordinary case, is it?


Not at all.


I have never put a philosophy on trial… Okay. What I think we are going to need are expert witnesses. We need to discredit his positions–so he comes off looking like some type of zealot or homophobe. We will need to discredit him philosophically–this man and woman position, ah, and religiously too. That will carry a lot of weight. Can you get authorities in these areas?


I’m on it.

(Pages 32-33)



…we have never been able to touch the eternal for we have never understood that we can only touch it though each other. A man touches the eternal in a woman when he gives his life to her. That is what the sexual embrace is for a man— he is giving his whole life over to woman. A woman, in receiving that touch, unites with it and, in turn, gives her life to him in the next rebirth of life. You see, the great discovery of our times is that the procreant and the eternal are one. “Urge, urge, urge, always the procreant urge of the world,” as Walt Whitman says in his Leaves of Grass. But let us not make the mistake of seeing this procreant process as only physical. It is metaphysical. It is happening right now. Feel it. Feel your other half with you right now. Touch him or her with your heart and never ever let them go. The challenge of our lives is to stand on this procreant love, now and forever.

Anderson takes a step back.


It’s the balance, my friends. The beautiful mystery of life is that we, man and woman, are both apart and together at all times. Let me conclude this evening with the last stanza from the poem, Consciousness. “Cassandra, please stay away from me and be with me, for in that perfect moment of our apart-togetherness, I create my perfect self to be away from you and to be with you.” Thank you for having me this evening.

(Pages 73-77)



Objection–is there going to be a question of the witness here, your Honor?


Your Honor, the passage I am reading goes to the issue of Mr. Anderson’s position regarding the freedom of all people regarding his writings. I am almost there.




Question: “And if they choose that way anyway?” Answer: “Then please don’t ask–force–me to pay for it. I want a choice, too. Let’s let the free market of individual choice decide. If I am right, or wrong, the market place will tell me.” Question:…

Fastow can been seen shaking his head.


“So nobody will be forced to embrace this idea of man and woman balance?” Answer: “How can that be? At that moment, the balance would be lost. Individual choice is the acid test of balance, and balance is the basis of all freedom. All I am saying is that man and woman balance presents to us the understanding from which we may create, without creating karma, and thus together enter into the one everlasting moment of pure procreative love.” Now, Ms. Dugan, does this passage sound to you that Mr. Anderson is insensitive to other’s choices or worse, somehow has hate in his heart?


Well, no.


Thank you, Ms. Dugan, that is all.

(Pages 101-102)


Meditations for Deepening Love

This collection includes 47 booklets that highlight the author’s writings and allows the reader to experience eternal love, one to another.

370 pages © 1994, Expanded Edition, 2010

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Excerpts from Titles Included in the Collection:

Romance: How to Find It and Keep It

Now, the question for men is, do you see into the soul of woman? Do you see her unity? Eternal love cannot be yours until you do. When you do, eternal love cannot be denied you. And women, do you see the soul of man, his individuality? Do you see that man holding the division of male and female with all his might just for you? That is where your eternal love lies. To enter the sanctuary of love we must know that very soul of our sexual other. And I will tell you that the distinct essences of male and female will never change. Male and female are from the beginning and will always be. Together they form what we call family. From their love come children. And life goes on. Love is, in its essence, procreative. Everything a male and female do together is creative. Everything they do together is created out of their love. Male and female are in eternal love together right now! Their love is happening right now. Each of us are actually in eternal love with our sexual other half right now. When you know it so will you see it. (Pages 41-42)

Let Us Create Life Together

The woman was beginning to see the magnitude of the man’s responses. The truth cannot be spoken—she had no idea. “But,” the woman spoke, “how do you hold all of this within yourself over time? It must break your heart.” The woman looked at the man and suddenly begin to flush. She saw that this man did carry a broken heart—so within himself he seemed to be. “What can I do to help?” she uttered. “We don’t want the truth to die.” The man responded saying, “The truth lives only as it is reproduced. The truth lives only through man and woman. If I have been sent with this message then I must not have been sent alone.” The man paused and then trembled as he said, “May you be the one who has been sent with me. May you be the one to extend beyond me.” (Page 101)


When I saw you for the first time, I knew my soul had been touched by beauty. I felt a light or radiance in the deepest part of me. How does one describe it? Is it just a feeling that cannot be put into words? Have you ever tried to define beauty? Let me say, everything, for the first time, began to make sense to me. Life had a coherency to it. Aristotle called beauty an organic unity. Maybe it is a divine harmony or an eternal consistency. In any event, my soul had been touched like never before. Like Dante after his vision of Beatrice, my life was never to be the same. (Page 264)

The Light At the End of the Mind

The light at the end of the mind illuminates the mind with all clarity. Clarity—a purity of constant realization that this light could only reside at the end of the mind. After all ideas have come into awareness—without an answer. After all action from these ideas have been taken—to no avail. After all hope has been lost, and finally admitted to, here comes the last idea. Yes, the light at the end of the mind is but an idea. An idea that is a word–a word that contains all the meaning of life and illuminates the mind with the understanding that has been missing since the dawn of consciousness. The light at the end of the mind is the last idea to be brought to consciousness… (Page 271)

To Cassandra - Early Years

This writing reveals the author’s own internal quest to return to the home of woman. It is a calling from the silence to the heart descripted in beautiful prose poems. — 128 Pages © 1985, Expanded Edition, 1994

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The Light

It has been said That buried deep within the heart Beneath all “the truths” There lies a stillness That is the light A light so bright That we cannot see.

For so long This light has been shining –For no one to see?– For so long … the day came When the light, broken-hearted Began to weep And its brightness Turned to beauty.

And the light looked upward Towards the night and said “I am broken,” And in that moment Suddenly, everyone could see This dimming light And they laughed, saying to it “You are not so bright.”

The light recoiled Pulling itself inward To protect its wound And buried itself Beneath all “the truths”… A light so bright …

Healing In The Light

This writing is for the youth of today who face the challenge of–nothing. How is one to cope with such a future?

There is an answer. — 63 pages © 1998

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Something essential happens to us when we experience our hopelessness. In that single instant, we are confronted with all the meaninglessness of the universe and the black hole in our own souls. All is empty, a void. But if you can just hold with that moment and let it in, something profound happens.

The Art and Practice of Creativity

In this writing the author sheds light on that elusive activity known as creativity, giving definition to those creators of the beautific light. — 26 pages © 1998

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Man And Woman Balance As The Consummate Abstraction/Expression of Great Art

Man and woman balance is that abstraction/expression that brings the light to consciousness. No other abstraction/expression can accomplish this task as it is through man and woman balance, in its procreative expression of life, that a co-creator discovers/identifies the fundamental principle of procreative love. As man and woman balance is the only abstraction/expression that illuminates the consciousness with the fundamental principle of all life, it, as such, qualifies to be considered (in its dynamic symmetry) as great art. The art of creativity lies in the life expression of love between a man and a woman. From that creative expression, out of the two sexed-opposing desires, love is forever given a form, each time different in it expression but nevertheless, more beautiful. (Page 13)

Healing In The Light & The Art and Practice of Creativity

Healing In The Light and The Art and Practice of Creativity consist of two separate writings. One is written for the youth of today, the other for those creators of the beautific light. — 102 pages © 1998

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See Individual eBook Listings above for excerpts.

The Truth Revealed: My Answer to the World

This writing comprises the author’s definitive statement on the truth and answer to his critics. Includes: How to Find Your Other Half. — 78 pages © 1997

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Would you say that the whole universe is creative?

Yes, that is the point. This is a creating (or procreating) universe due to the reality of the two forces. If we were to begin from the premise that only a one singular force existed, we would end up with a primary creator creating a “created” universe at a certain point in time, which is the belief of most of our religions. With the two-force model, we have the two forces creating the universe moment-by-moment through their interaction together. (Page 21)

So you see this idea of man and woman balance becoming the next religion?

Not a religion per se. Through man and woman balance we can begin to recognize that we, together, are creators. There is a consciousness shift that needs to happen. (Page 40)

The Discovery of Life

This writing chronicles the paradigm shift that each of us must undergo to enter into a full (procreative) consciousness of life, upon which true success and connection in life can then follow. — 105 pages © 1994, Revised Edition, 2010

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For aeons, mankind has been caught in a trap, a trap so hideous it has prevented men and women from achieving any type of enduring success. Yet, from this trap, our religions formed and promised mankind a way out through another world. Later, our socio-political institutions were formed promising us liberation in this world. Yet, neither could deliver, for they were part of the trap, which was nothing but a simple misconception mankind made at the dawn of consciousness preventing him from discovering life. (Preface)

So, which do you do? Do you divide the one or do you unite the two? This is the great metaphysical question. To answer it, we need to discover our sexual selves, who we are in relation to whom we are not, thereby discovering life. If you are a male, you will do one of these functions. If you are a female, you will do the other. Both functions are equally necessary to life, yet they are opposite. So which are you? (Page 12)

The Man and Woman Manifesto: Let the Revolution Begin

A look at the foundations (rights) required for men and women to be free. This writing is the author’s socio/economic statement and allows each of us to step beyond the domination and bondage of our current political systems. Includes: The Money System. — 120 pages © 1994, Revised Edition, 2010

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It is important to understand that any and every imbalanced relationship will result in a system of master/slave. The individuals who proclaim their right to rule over others inevitably justify their rule in the name of some one-force conception such as “God,” the people, the state, some race, tribe, clan, or group. (It’s interesting how we can never stand up just for ourselves.) And from time to time, the slaves grow uneasy and begin to protest and shout slogans, possibly even revolt. Sometimes the slaves overthrow the system and they become the new masters. But our current nation-state stays firmly in place. You see, until and unless the underlying metaphysical structure is altered (within us), nothing will change. The only way to alter the underlying structure is for a paradigm shift (or metaphysical restructuring) to occur from a one-force conception to a two forces of creation. Until we begin to understand the two equal but opposite forces of male and female and center our lives on that balance, the imbalance of the nation-state will control. As long as the imbalance of the nation-state controls, we will continue to be a pawn to the imbalance no matter which side of the master/slave relationship we may reside. We will stay in bondage and all of our religious, transcendental, or spiritual unions, our consciousness liberations or psychological clearings, will not alter that fact of reality. Our prison may be one without bars, but no less a prison. (Pages 16-17)

The Money System: How to do Business Anywhere in the Universe

The Money System: How to do Business Anywhere in the Universe is a succinct writing defining four abstractions or integrations we must make to turn things around for ourselves and capture the success of which we still dream. — 41 pages © 1994, Revised Edition, 2010

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The Money System begins from a philosophy of life. Why a philosophy? Because we need to understand just how life works and what we must do in life to be successful. Suddenly our task has become larger in scope. But don’t let that worry you as we will proceed step-by-step. (Page 1)

The Money System in general is about a philosophy of life. But we will want to be very specific and key in on four critical ideas, or integrations as I call them, so that we find a clear path to move forward in our lives. The Money System is not a shortcut to riches. I don’t know if such a thing exists. It does not offer you a product (good or service) that you may profit by. Its value lies in the four integrations that, once made, will clear the way for you to thereby profit in life. In short, we will be laying a foundation or ground zero from which we can progress. That is the purpose of a philosophy. In actuality, each of us succeeds in life dependent upon the adequacy of our philosophy of life. (Page 2)

Psychotherapy As If Life Really Mattered

A psychology for the “New Age” from which we may finally discover through each (opposite) other “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”, bringing closure to our incompleteness. — 100 pages © 1995, Revised Edition, 2010

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Have you ever thought or felt within yourself that something very fundamental to your life is missing? This can’t be all there is, can it? There must be something more, something so very special that we haven’t been told about. (Page 1)

Let us now trace the evolution of human consciousness to see if we can better understand the actual consciousness that we must (choose to) hold to consciously be in life. We tend to take our consciousness for granted–as if we are automatically conscious and see reality clearly. Conscious of what? This presumption is faulty and actually leaves us in an illusion of consciousness, a pretense that we know what is real. To really be conscious, we must understand our evolution from preconsciousness to, hopefully, a full consciousness. (Page 9)

The Universal Religion: The Final Destiny of Mankind

In this writing the author completes and unites all religions in a breathtaking articulation of the universal construct of man and woman balance upon which all things rest. — 98 pages © 1994, Revised Edition, 2010

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Metaphysically speaking, we can say that we come as pairs, male and female couples. Your eternal companion is with you right now!, speaking to you through your inner voice. When you understand this, you will feel a new light within yourself, the light of your eternal companion. (Page 19)

A child is born represents the touch of love (balance) between a man and a woman. That one touch is the whole foundation of the universe. It is a direct touch, a complete touch. It is the touch of life. All that is required for this touch is a man and a woman, conscious of their creativity (connection) together. In their consciousness of life, they touch and–a child is born. This touch is the truth of life. There isn’t any greater truth than life. In the universal religion, only the two forces exist expressing their love and their life. There isn’t anything else but a male and a female in creative balance. Nothing else is recognized for nothing else exists. This perfect state of creative balance is known as God. Why? Because from this balance a child can be born. (Page 21)

The 2008 - 2009 Articles (Collection)

This writing comprises thirty-six articles the author wrote primarily during the years 2008—2009. The exception being the first article which was written in 2005. These articles are written on a number of different topics for the purpose of enlightening and enlarging the theme of Man and Woman Balance as a metaphysical construct. — 423 pages © 2010

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Holding Center When “I Don’t Know What to Do!”

You can’t vote the order of the universe. Do you get that? It is from the eternal order of Man and Woman Balance that we hold center in life. The center is that procreant moment of eternal love. Eternal because the equal but opposite two are dividing and uniting together, creating their own birth-life-death-birth…forever. The balance (love) lies in our understanding that right now each one of us is in perfect balance with our equal and opposite other half. I call this other half one’s eternal companion and the two together the 1st pair. So, if your dream is still “out there,” or if you are going through difficult times—even life threatening times–know that you are in perfect and eternal procreant balance with your eternal companion right now. Feel that spirit of love together even if you two are not physically together right now. When you know eternal love with your equal and opposite other half you will know what to do– love ye one another. (Page 66)

Illumination: Joy in the Soul

Our joy lies in our understanding the reality of equal and opposite, that each one of us, regardless of our circumstances, walks with our perfectly balanced sexual other half right now. I call this other half one’s eternal companion. Yes, you have your eternal companion walking with you right now. Feel that other in your heart and soul. Speak to him or her—right now. Send him or her your love. Express to him or her your joy in the giving of your love. Illumination—you two are eternal together right now. Don’t ever let your circumstances tell you otherwise. There is only “You” and “I” in this universe of our love. (Page 80)

The Spiritual Components in the Lives of Men and Women

Masculinism is an unequal polarization between man and woman. Feminism is an equal depolarization between man and woman. Man and woman balance is an equal polarization between man and woman. Today, at least in the West, we see this great shift from masculinism to feminism sweeping over everything as if feminism somehow is the answer. Just as the spiritual components of life could not be found in masculinism, nor will they be able to be found in feminism. Only in the balance can a man and a woman reach out to each other in that one moment of their procreant love. They, man and woman, (pro)creating each moment together are the only standard. (Page 91)

The Coming of the Procreant Holy Spirit

And in this prayer we may now know that the Holy Spirit within us is our own eternal other half. So when Jesus said: I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you, the ‘I’ in this verse is not the singular ‘I’ of Jesus or even the eternal ‘I’ of I AM That I AM. It is the procreant ‘I’. It is a man forever speaking to a woman or a woman forever speaking to a man. In John 16:22 Jesus further says, And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. Again the ‘I’ is the ‘I’ of a man or a woman, one speaking to the other. You see, we have no other to talk to, to pray to and to be prayed to, to guide and to be guided by, to love and to be loved by, and to create life with. Two primaries, equal and opposite, male and female, man and woman—and a child is born! Let us now say no more. (Page 210)

Our Purpose Together: Bringing the Eternal Down to Earth

Neither masculinism nor feminism, in any of its forms, can bring the eternal down to earth. This is now for us (man and woman pairs) to do. It is our purpose to touch in love together and, by doing so, we, man and woman, bring the eternal down to earth. We do this by living our love in our lives. The eternal is always a procreant balance between metaphysical primaries or duals. There isn’t anything more sacred, in the light, or of eternal life than that one procreant touch between one man and one woman right now. That one touch will last forever when you know it. (Page 252)


A metaphysical account as well as the author’s own experience of illumination. This writing is a step into the light of a procreative metaphysics as well as being the author’s most autobiographical statement. — 162 pages © 1990, Revised Edition, 2010

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Sexual consciousness provides us with the opportunity to unify the physical, mental, and spiritual realms into a one creative process. We have had a serious fissure between body/mind, body/spirit, and mind/spirit not knowing how to bring them together. We have been in a tug-of-war with each side out of balance and in conflict with the other. There really aren’t any such fissures. There is only sexual consciousness, male and female in form (or resting out of form). The division is a sexual one, male as to female. Males are male in body, mind, and spirit, if you will, as are females female. “God” (himself-herself) can only be the enactment of the two forces of creation. Consciousness is always only enacted as and through sexual form, male or female. Creation can only occur through the sexual creative process of male and female. (Page 27)

The Community of Man and Woman

Can we ever find heaven on earth? We strive and seek, why do our visions fail us so? Could it be that the premises we hold, deep within ourselves, preclude the manifestation of the proclaimed vision? This work, The Community of Man and Woman, details a vision and the premises that hold it securely in place. — 106 pages © 1991, Revised Edition, 2010

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The great denial of life is the denial of one’s sexual essence. Yet, sexual denial is prevalent in our every religious, political, national, racial, and even sexual ideologies and institutions. The heartbeat of life is being denied. Why? Well, haven’t you heard? To know who you sexually are is the great taboo. No one must know, it might expose things and reveal the truth. We may have to look at who we truly are. (Page 20)

Notice how we use the idea of “source” as if each man and woman singularly are “at source” or “can source/originate.” It has been said that the problem of mankind is his/her denial of source. I suggest this problem lies in our not knowing that source is relational. Source lies in the balance between a male and a female. Source is sexual creation. All things originate from the sexual creation of a male and a female. (Pages 43-44)

The Eternal Marriage

It has always been somewhat of a mystery to me why so little has been written on the subject of eternal marriage, not as romantic fantasy but as actual metaphysical fact. It seems to me that if we actually look into our heart of hearts, eternal marriage is the greatest of all ideas and realities that we can embrace. I have always believed this and so this undertaking is being offered. — 98 pages © 1992, Revised Edition, 2010

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Historically, we have thought that we could come to the truth of ourselves alone. The father of philosophy, Socrates, instructs us to “know thyself,” as if we alone can come to the truth. Even Jesus said to us, “Ye shall know the truth…,” as if there is a truth to be known by ourselves alone. This idea that we alone are capable of knowing-expressing the truth I call the great misconception of singular truth. It has been with us since day one. This misconception of singular truth does us more harm than any other mispremise. Literally, it is killing us for it is cementing in place our inability to embrace our metaphysical interdependence and reach out and touch each other. We are locked into ourselves, closed off from the reality and necessity of our sexual opposite. (Page 32)

The calling of man (to come to the truth) is the calling that he comes to woman. And the calling of woman is the calling that she comes to man. Each unto the other. Each calls for the other. I understand that some of us may not be with our other right now. But I speak of a consciousness, a consciousness that knows of one’s sexual interconnection, a consciousness that sees life in terms of male and female. What are you bringing to your other right now? (Page 35)

I Carry The Cross, too--The Completion of the Message of Jesus Christ

No doubt, anyone who attempts to “complete” the message of Jesus Christ opens himself up to question and perhaps ridicule. But, I ask, what are we now to do? We are at a crossroads, not knowing which way to turn. In this work, I try to provide a direction and so carry that responsibility for, you see, I carry the cross, too, just as you will upon receiving this work. — 79 pages © 1992, Revised Edition, 2010

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Here we are today, some two thousand years after the birth of Christ. And right now it is within our grasp to complete the timeless journey to the truth in the understanding of the equal but opposite unique forces of male and female. Let me return to the question, is it procreative? Two thousand years ago this question would have had little metaphysical meaning for us. Even in Nietzsche’s time, or Russell’s time, we just could not grasp the metaphysical reality of a two forces and the creative balance they comprise together. But today we can. We can now bear the truth. We can now know the essence and purity of sexual creation. We can now know our own other half and the balance we hold together. And so each of us, too, may carry the cross (truth). The cross is there for all of us to carry.(Page 25)

Sexual Metaphysics—The second teaching is that of sexual metaphysics. Sexual metaphysics is the comparative study of any given, i.e., conception, paradigm, or model to see if it meets the test of procreation and thereby holds to the one universal standard or law of creative balance. The fact that there is an absolute reality (creative balance) gives us the metaphysic of life that must be aligned to if we intend to sustain life. The Man and Woman Relationship is the metaphysic of life. It can be diagrammed in the following manner showing sexual balance on the spiritual, mental, and physical levels. (Page 34)

Man, Woman, and God

There is a great misunderstanding today concerning the natures of man and of woman, and of the essence of God. This may be the cause of our human relations problem. The purpose of this writing is to clarify this misunderstanding thereby allowing us to know and experience man, woman, and God. — 84 pages © 1994, Revised Edition, 2010

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The spiritual connection is our linkage to life over time. Each of us is born out of the unity of a man and a woman. And so, we are forever linked to them. They are our parents who have bestowed life upon us. As we grow up, we begin to become aware of the other. Hopefully, we find our other, and from that unity comes another birth of life, a child. A man and a woman will always be linked to their children. No beginning, no ending, just connecting—in life. And if perhaps you have not found your opposite other in this life, then hold to his or her spirit within you and know that everyone will have his or her time as is the balance. (Page 26)

The tragedy of life isn’t just that we do not know life. The tragedy is also that we do not know how to live life. Creative balance is the answer as to how to live life. And so I say to man, come home to your metaphysical (sexual) essence and embrace your metaphysical need of woman. And woman, come home to your sexual essence and embrace your need of man. You see, in life what we need is each other. All a man really wants and needs is a woman who believes in him and will receive him. All a woman wants and needs is a man who will love and care for her. Our underlying metaphysical need for each other is what we ought to embrace. (Page 34)

Man, Woman And God: Four Collected Works

This writing presents to mankind a new conception and definition of “God” based on man and woman balance (procreative love). It includes four separate works: The Community of Man and Woman; The Eternal Marriage; I Carry the Cross, too—The Completion of the Message of Jesus Christ; and Man, Woman, and God. — 353 pages © 1994, Revised Edition, 2010

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From the marriage of a man and a woman, the universe begins. This is to say, the process of procreation starts to take place. Procreation is the recreation of life. What is occurring here is the enactment of family. Family (male and female) is the basis of creation. It is through family that the eternal play of creation (birth-life-death-rebirth) is carried out. Without family (the balance of male and female) life cannot be. In such, the Community of Man and Woman is based on family. It is family. (Page 92)

We are sexual beings residing within a sexual universe. And thus lies our spirituality, our mentality, and our physicality. The creative balance between male and female is as spiritual, mental, and physical as things can get. There isn’t anything more real or immediate than that one creative touch between man and woman. There is no greater love than the love from a man to a woman and from a woman to a man. All that is originates from this sexual love. (Page 101)

The universe (life) depends on our coming to the truth….But we can only come to the truth as we embrace our sexual other. As I have stated, one half of the truth resides in male and the other half of the truth resides in female. Neither male nor female can come to the truth alone. (Pages 140-141)

If the task at hand is to come to the truth, we must find a way out of the prison of our current limited consciousness. We will need to step beyond our current conceptions, beyond the boundary of our minds, into new territory. This step will, by definition, take us beyond all that has come before us. We must step beyond our past and current metaphysical or spiritual (religious) conceptions of truth. As I mentioned, we are not able to arrive at the truth with what Jesus left us. We are now on our own. Buddha or Mohammed or Brahma will not help us. The Logos or Tao or I Ching cannot guide us. Our philosophies know not the way. Our psychologies can probe no deeper. Our socio-political hopes have run dry. Even our New Age “spirit guides” have forgotten what to say. You see, everything that has come down the pike to date only leaves us stuck in our current limited consciousness. (Page 205)

Men, do you know that the soul of woman has been hurt? You have hurt your woman, haven’t you? You left her behind to bleed on the roadside. You used and discarded her when all she wanted was to love you. Why do you do this? Do you not see that woman is the only bridge that will take you beyond yourself? Woman is your only hope, but due to your actions she is giving up her belief in you. Can you, man, take responsibility for creating this state of affairs? Can you feel every pain that you have ever caused woman, from her birth to her death?

Women, do you know the spirit of man has been hurt? You blame man for all the havoc around you, don’t you? You think that men “just don’t get it” and that you could do a better job at life. Can you? In the name of equality, you kill the spirit of life, the difference that you and men depend upon. Now, you only want a man conditionally, not completely. Cannot you see that without a man you can’t even have yourself? Perhaps men, too, are doing the best they know how and that in their hearts they only want to care for you. Will you allow that? Can you feel a man’s very struggle throughout all of time to do only one thing, to make a home for you? Can you feel this when you are alone? (Pages 340)

I sought the center of all life yet could not find it until the day I said to myself, “I shall not seek.” And this is what I saw—a mother with a babe at her breast, a man plowing a field, children playing on a swing, a father taking his last breath, a man and a woman walking down the aisle together—I saw life. And in that moment, I knew that there existed God the Father and God the Mother giving their lives to each other, over and over again, to create one more moment of life.(Page 345)

Mind and Spirit

The purpose of Mind and Spirit is to sex (divide into the male and female component parts) that which we call mind and that which we call spirit. We most often use these terms in a non-sexual or an androgynous way, as if mind and spirit are sexually neutral. I would suggest that that is not the case, that, in fact, mind and spirit are highly sexual, they being either male or female in nature. — 62 pages © 1987, Revised Edition, 2009

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The impetus or force of thinking then is a sexual one, either to specify idea in relationship through effort or to unite that duality in rest. The male impetus is to individualize; the female impetus is to unify. Their thoughts/minds are premeditated upon their unique essential sexual desire. The male mind and the female mind are as different as are their bodies. The whole male-female interaction makes for a complete individualization-unification continuum, but individually, they are as different from each other as male and female. This is to say that there isn’t any mind per se, only a male mind or a female mind. Just as bodies come sexed so do minds. The scenario that male and female are different in body but similar in mind, as if mind is sexually neutral, is highly mistaken. Thinking is always under the impetus of one’s sexuality, male or female. The sexual interaction is the thinking interaction. There isn’t any thinking without interaction and there isn’t any interaction without male and female. (Page 6)

The Romantic Ideal

The purpose of The Romantic Ideal is to present a definition of romance, one that actually adheres to our hearts and souls. It is the opinion of this writer that romance actually presents to us our highest calling, not religion. But we need an icon, if you will, to believe in, to hold us together when the times get tough, and to bring out the best within us. This icon is the Romantic Ideal. — 71 pages © 1987, Revised Edition, 2009

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The Romantic Ideal is a metaphysical conception one holds concerning the nature of existence or essence of reality that states that existence or reality is a sexually creative one, that male and female are the component driving parts, and that through their dividing-uniting interaction, creation (birth-life-death-rebirth) continues to be brought forth. It is an existential bearing one holds where one existently stands in a sexual relationship with a sexual opposite in a dividing-uniting- interaction together throughout eternity. In short, it is a universal faith held in everlasting love between oneself and one’s sexual opposite, also known as one’s other half, sexual other, existent other, or soul mate. Let us then know the Romantic Ideal as the state of being where one is in everlasting love with his or her other half. (Page 4)

The Two Forces of Creation

The purpose of The Two Forces of Creation is to define the two forces of creation. I state on the Preface page: ”For aeons, mankind has been embedded in a paradigm of creation that suggests there is a one force central to us all. This work looks to the possibility of two forces of creation, what they are, and their implication on our thinking and living.” The Two Forces of Creation constitutes a monumental paradigm shift. — 64 pages © 1988, Revised Edition, 2009

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For aeons, mankind has been embedded in a paradigm of creation that suggests there is a one force central to us all. This work looks to the possibility of two forces of creation, what they are, and their implication on our thinking and living. (Page 1)

The one force theory of creation is a conception that suggests that creation is manifested in or by one force. It is this exact theory that we have been embedded in for thousands of years. Basically, all our religions subscribe to this view. Religiously, we call this force God. But the one force theory of creation doesn’t just stop at religion. It runs through the total of our ideologies whether they are philosophical, psychological, political, or sexual. In short, the one force theory of creation is the controlling force in the world today. (Page 5)

Dimensions in Consciousness

The purpose of Dimensions in Consciousness is to come to know and experience the furthest reaches of our consciousness—that of an absolute. It is also to come to know and experience the Man and Woman Relationship as immediate love. Can the immediate and the absolute come together as one? Let us see. — 86 pages © 1990, Revised Edition, 2009

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Sexual perfection is a soul quality, a consciousness. The issue here is not about mistakes we may have made or might make. Sexual perfection is much larger than that. It is a conception or metaphysic we hold from which we view all things. From the consciousness of sexual perfection, it follows that one views all things as sexually perfect. What a joy it is for a man to see the sexual perfection of a woman, of all women, and for a woman to see the sexual perfection of a man, of all men. The sexual balance of all interacting males and females is ours to behold. Theirs is a creative reality revolving around their perfect love together. (Page 25)

Selected Writings (Vol. 2)

Four major writings on the man and woman relationship. These writings reflect the maturing of the author’s thoughts revealing the breadth and scope of this metaphysical embodiment. Includes: Mind and Spirit; The Romantic Ideal; The Two Forces of Creation; and Dimensions in Consciousness. — 279 pages © 1991, Revised Edition, 2010

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Let us end this section by taking a moment to actually commune with that sexual opposite or other half of ourselves. Let’s go within ourselves to the deep recesses of our hearts and feel the essence of that other. Let’s for at least one moment close the fissure of unconsciousness between our souls and release the heartbreak and pain held within our beings. Let us heal ourselves in the balance of man and woman.

Man, commune with woman. Feel that woman in your life. Whether you be single or married, young or old, feel your connection with woman, your woman. Send her your love as male, wherever she may be in this universe. Tell her you are the one who will care for her, that you are ready to lay down your life for her as no one else. Let her know that you will do whatever it takes to secure her soul and implant new life into her being.

And woman, you, too, talk to man. Let your man know of your love, that you are there for him ready to take him into your being. Let him know that you, female, are the only one for him. Guide him to you. Commune to him your presence so he may find you. Whisper to him through his dreams so he can come only to you in his life quest, driving his male force into you so you may continue to bring forth life anew, a sexual life, male or female, in body, mind, and spirit. (Page 61)

I Am: A Personal History--The Formation of a Sexual Consciousness

A look into history tracing the development of consciousness through a line of thinkers accumulating in a sexual conception of the self. — Pamphlet – 30 pages © 1985, Revised Edition, 2010

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I AM, Socrates

“Who are you?” I heard answers such as, “I am a shepherd” or “I am a potter.” I do not mean what do you do but “Who are you?” One man responded that he was a spirit. I asked him what he meant by that. He did not know. Another said he was only his body which disintegrated at death. I asked him how he knew that. He could not tell me. Most people I ask the question to just walk away. They apparently do not like that question, it seems to upset their equilibrium. It upsets mine some, too. (Page 3)

I AM, Schopenhauer

The answer is not so difficult. I only need ask myself what is it I must do to find the answer. I must engage my will. Without first a willingness to do something, to move or think for example, nothing happens. The reason why this inquiry into the question “Who am I?” is occurring is because of will. Take that will away and there isn’t any inquiry or process in motion at all. Take away will and there isn’t any life. Is not life but an enactment of the will to live? (Page 17)

I AM, Martin Buber

Let us include this other in our conception of ourselves. Let us know that although we are an individuality so, too, are we a connection. If we do not know our touch with that other, we do not know it with ourselves. If we do not know the touch of our existence relationship, what do we or what can we possibly know? I hold my being in the relationship of myself and the other for I, am relationship. (Page 29)

The New Trinity

The New Trinity is the marriage of a man and a woman…So starts the author’s treatise on the Trinity covering the subjects: Creation, The Fall, Grace, The Messiah, The Virgin Birth, Death and Resurrection, Salvation and Redemption, The Holy Spirit, The Second Coming, Prayer and Faith, and Eternal Life. — Pamphlet – 21 pages © 1985, Revised Edition, 2010

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Creation is the moment-by-moment interchange/outcome between man and woman. To say, “In the beginning God created” is to say that from the unity Father-Mother divide, or that from the seed of male deposited into the womb of female comes the next birth of individuality. This universe is a creating one, not a created one. There isn’t any beginning nor is there an ending. There is only life, living and dying, individualizing and uniting, forming and deforming, over and over again. There is only male and female life in interchange, macro to micro, male securing and penetrating, female receiving and reproducing, as they create and recreate the existence of themselves. Our sense of God is but our own sense of life, of being alive as creators of the universal movement, within the universal desire of our constant sexuality. (Page 13)

Man and Woman Forever

A bringing to the surface the eternal connection within each man and woman with their sexual (equal and opposite) other half. — Pamphlet – 18 pages © 1985, Revised Edition, 2010

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The voice within, that voice of my innermost being, reveals to me who ‘I’ am, male or female. My whole being leaps out in expression of my sexuality. ‘I’ express at all times my unique sexuality as distinct from yours. ‘I’ am but one aspect, male or female, as are ‘You’, in the purposive design of our creation. (Page 5)

There is not one moment when we are not intrinsically connected in soul relationship as male and female. As male divides from female so, too, must he unite. As female unites with male so, too, must she divide. So goes the sexual creation of ‘You’ and ‘I’. (Page 7)

The Balanced Budget: A Way of Life

A review of the constraints that the nature of existence places upon our survival and the consequences we receive for trespassing. — Pamphlet – 22 pages © 1985, Revised Edition, 2010

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The balance point of life is one of a giving-receiving equality. This means that equal to what one gives or extends out from oneself one receives into oneself. This equivalent giving-receiving may be called balanced interchange. [Page 1]

There is a useful idea that accentuates mental balance. That idea is accountability. Accountability is to mental balance what ownership-by-earning is to physical balance—its center. Accountability rests upon the reality that one is the source point of his or her thoughts and ideas, that it is incumbent upon oneself to form and hold one’s conception of identity and reality. [Page 8]

Why I Am Not A (n):

A take-off from Bertrand Russell’s Why I Am Not A Christian that focuses not just on Christian dogma but on all dogmas looking at the premises that comprise dogmatic belief with its psycho-emotional grip upon mankind. — Pamphlet – 22 pages © 1985, Revised Edition, 2010

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The existent requirement is one of a production-consumption balance. Essentially, this means that one must produce at least equal to one’s survival needs, and that one consume only what one has produced. To say this another way, the existent requirement is that one produce at least equal to what one consumes. (Page 1)

The above scenario essentially is the way it is. We may simply boil down the existent requirement to the words, produce or perish. But there is another scenario that has been enacted by mankind through history. In this case, one again does not meet his consumptive needs through production, yet still manages to survive. He does this through the method of thievery. One takes or steals the production from those who have brought it forth and gives nothing in return. The success of this endeavor depends on someone else producing and the thief’s own ability to steal. (Page 2)

The Defense Rests: A Freeman's Bill of Rights

A dialogue and commentary tracing the reasoning behind one man’s call for a system of economic freedom. — Pamphlet – 29 pages © 1985, Revised Edition, 2010

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Judge H. Look, I have heard just about every line there is, from the Fifth Amendment to the unconstitutionality of paper money to the lack of jurisdiction of the courts, all so one can weasel out of paying his taxes. So please excuse me if I already appear tired of your story. But the law says I must give you your day in court, so let’s hear your defense, and try and make it interesting if you will.

Mr. A. The reason I did not pay the government the two thousand dollars they say I owe them (and thus did not file an income tax return) is because that money, the two thousand dollars, is mine.

Judge H. I’m sorry, what?

Mr. A. Yes, that money is mine. I own it. I am the one to tell the government what I shall do with it, not the other way around.

Judge H. This is your defense, that the money is yours? What is this, some kind of joke? The money is yours?

Mr. A. Yes, the money is mine. All the money I earn is mine.

Judge H. Well, that is simple enough. You would think I would have heard this defense before. Interesting, but not serious. I can’t take this seriously.

Mr. A. Serious or not, it is still my money. I earned it, no one else.

Judge H. Granted, the money you earn is your own. But that does not exempt you from paying for the services you receive from your government.

Mr. A. Technically, you are right. One should pay for any good or service received. But furthermore, one should possess the choice as to whether or not he wants to purchase that good or service. I choose at this time not to buy the current government service and therefore I own them nothing.

Judge H. But you have already chosen to buy the service of this government. You are a citizen of this country. You partake in this democratic process of ours that allows you your choice.

Mr. A. If I am allowed choice then what am I doing here? …

The Abyss and Sexual Creation

In this writing the author takes us to the depths of consciousness—a walk through the abyss and back out again. — Pamphlet – 19 pages © 1985, Revised Edition, 2010

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Man, it is your time to rest. You have carved out your path. You have cleared the trail for me to safely walk. You have stood as man on the essence of sexual creation just as you have been called to do. Now let me take over. Let me complete the message of sexual creation as woman. Certainly, you must know that the message must go through me if it is to ever leave you and thereby release your soul. Come, come rest with me. (Page 15)

Yes, a complete touch. Come, my man–so tired of your many deaths, so tired of never coming back. Come unto me for your rest. I will always bring you back. That is my purpose. Why do you make this so hard? Why has it taken so long for you to see me? Thousands of years-looking to everything but me for your completion while I have always been here, waiting, ready to take your life into me and rebirth it out of me. Now you know–just as I know. Yes, I have always been here. Just one more step–let yourself go–trust me completely as I have had to trust you—surrender–surrender your soul to me, into me. Let me now complete my purpose with you. (Page 17)


Do you have it? If not, why not? It may require us to look into this issue in more depth to see why, although we often think we posses choice in our lives, we often have little of it. — Pamphlet – 24 pages © 1987, Revised Edition, 2010

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But do we have choice? Here in the United States we had a revolution for liberty so that one could engage in the freedom to choose, which one must do to formalize one’s life. But just between you and I, I don’t feel so very free in my ability to choose. Metaphysically, yes, but in actuality, not so very free. Supposedly, we are free to choose, so in actuality one would think that we would be free to act upon that supposition. But I don’t think that is the case. There seems to be a number of people telling me what I can or can’t do. They somehow are controlling my choices saying I can only choose this or that, and worse, I don’t have the same right to control their choices. Something seems not quite right. (Page 2)

Thinking About Thinking

In this treatise the author looks at thinking, its impetus, structure, demise, and, most importantly, its revitalization so necessary for our survival. — Pamphlet – 22 pages © 1988, Revised Edition, 2010

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Sometimes thinking, as an instrument of consciousness, is criticized. Some people may be solely enveloped in their own thought. They actually appear separated from their own experience and distanced from the rest of the world. Instead of being with their own experience, they seem only to be thinking about it. We view such people as being detached from their own feelings or emotions. Indeed, this is possible and maybe even common but I can’t say that thinking in itself is to blame. Thinking is only a vehicle of identification of what is currently transpiring. It is more likely that one’s individual thinking is to blame, that it is not expansive enough to see the whole panorama open to one which includes the breath of experience. (Page 2)

One may then claim that we cannot know reality for what it is, that all we can know structurally or metaphysically is relationship-in-process, the process that is inclusive of thinking. But why not instead say that from the reality of relationship-in-process thinking occurs as an aspect of it, identifying what is, so that one may be conscious of reality. Thinking (as an endowment of what is, as being something that does exist and must thereby be included in our conception of what is) can only see reality as reality, for thinking is part and parcel of reality. This is to say that thinking is immanent to reality, or shall we say that the concept “reality” is immanent to thinking? Thinking does not distort reality because thinking itself in intrinsically aligned to reality, being a part of reality. To suggest that thinking by itself distorts reality is nothing less than to suggest that we, as living beings, distort life. We do not distort life; we are life. (Page 5)

Selected Writings (Vol. 1)

A collection of the author’s earlier writings which includes: I AM—A Personal History: The Formation of a Sexual Consciousness; The New Trinity; Man and Woman Forever; The Balanced Budget: A Way of Life; Why I Am Not A(n):; The Defense Rests: A Freeman’s Bill of Rights; The Abyss and Sexual Creation; Choice; and Thinking About Thinking. — 212 pages © 1988, Revised Edition, 2010

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