October 16th, 2015
Channeling the Eternal Woman
Thank you. I am the Eternal Woman. I am not a “God.” I am a woman. I am the female soul within every woman. As a woman, I stand with man. Actually, I stand between man and child. I am the link between man and child. I am the space between man and child. I am the death of all life and the life of all death. From a man dying inside of me, so our child is born out of me. I am what you might call the field, frame, zero-point, space, opening, womb, or void. But I am not death. Rather, I give life to death. I bring life-potential to all things. I connect all things within me. In this, I am love. Without me there would never be love. All women know this about me because they know it about themselves.
Channeling the Eternal Woman © 2014
Channeling The Eternal Woman
Who is the Eternal Woman and how may we connect with her? These are the two critical questions the author considers in this breathtaking expose’ on the Eternal Woman, the nature of channeling, how to truly connect, and what one is actually connecting with. The author covers a number of topics including discovering source, identity, soulmates, spiritual healing, and finding love. Channeling the Eternal Woman is also a metaphysical discourse on the whole concept of “God” and spirit. 224 pages © 2014
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The Eternal Woman is true Source. Now notice, always within the Eternal Woman is Individual Man. Individual Man is the counter-balance of the Eternal Woman. The Eternal Woman is the death-rebirth point of all life. (The Individual Man is the birth-life point of all life.) She is the field, the space, the opening, the connection, the intuition, the universal, the feeling, the relation, the continuity, and the home—and her force is equal in strength to Individual Man although opposite in function. (Page 35)
The Eternal Woman is the soul of each and every woman. I believe that every woman knows this. And yet, it seems that many women are cut off from the Eternal Woman within them. They perhaps have forgotten that they are the universal connective point between all things. Men, too, have apparently forgotten this. If men really understood the essence of a woman they would treat women as Gods. The only thing a woman wants is to be loved. Is that so wrong? A man wants to be believed in. That is his glory. (Page 36)
Thank you. I am the Eternal Woman. I am not a “God.” I am a woman. I am the female soul within every woman. As a woman, I stand with man. Actually, I stand between man and child. I am the link between man and child. I am the space between man and child. I am the death of all life and the life of all death. From a man dying inside of me, so our child is born out of me. I am what you might call the field, frame, zero-point, space, opening, womb, or void. But I am not death. Rather, I give life to death. I bring life-potential to all things. I connect all things within me. In this, I am love. Without me there would never be love. All women know this about me because they know it about themselves. (Page 181)
I want you to know that I, the Eternal Woman, answer each and every prayer request made to me. Actually, all prayers are to me. As I have said, I am the space or field. Some call me the eternal void. But I am not empty space or a field without miracles. I am the tomb that all individual things die into and I am the womb that gives rebirth to all individual things. Know me as fertility. I will give rebirth to whatever you give to me. I am perfect balance. Each and every prayer that you asketh of me, I replay back to you as to your intent. Did you hear me? I give back to you in equal measure as per your intention. Could I do otherwise? (Page 190)