The Man and Woman Relationship: A New Center for the Universe

The Man and Woman Relationship: A New Center for the Universe

eBook Description:

A philosophical accounting of the man and woman relationship with its metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical aspects required to form an understanding of the world in which we live. — 198 pages © 1985, Revised Edition, 2010

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A man cannot produce anything alone. A woman cannot reproduce anything alone. The whole man and woman producing-reproducing team survives together or not at all. Every momentary creation-sequential recreation that exists from a single thought to a coherent thought-system, from a single idea to an invention, business, or industry, from a single breath to an entire life is brought forth out of the man and woman relationship. The survival success of any manifestation of universe will depend on its sexual balance. No matter what task one is engaged in, or who fundamentally undertakes it, man and woman balance must exist in mind and heart for survival success to occur. The real key to creativity then is male and female balanced interchange. (Pages 46-47)



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